Thinking #likeJesus

Whose opinion really matters the most to me?

In Matthew 5 and Luke 6, we read Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount.  This comes right after Jesus selects the Twelve to be Apostles, so the content of his Sermon is a foundational piece to his training and preparation for them.

Again and again in his Sermon, Jesus says, “You have heard that it was said…”  He then follows with, “But I tell you…”  This is how others tell you you should live, but I want to introduce you to a whole new way of living!

He speaks this way about murder, reconciliation, adultery, divorce, taking oaths, revenge and loving enemies.

The wisdom of this world, the experiences and expertise of those with cred, the not so subtle messages from the media machine…  they all seek to shape us into their image.

Am I being “conformed” or “transformed?”  It all comes back to this.  Whose opinion matters most to me?

If I want to “walk as Jesus walked” then I need to listen to Jesus above all others.  I must learn to think like Jesus (as believers we do have the mind of Christ), so I can walk and talk like Jesus…  be Jesus with skin on in the world he’s placed me.


To learn more about Walking As Jesus Walked and Discipling As Jesus Discipled, visit:  SONLIFE.COM

2 thoughts on “Thinking #likeJesus

  1. Kevin Jensen

    Doug, thanks for the daily blogs, it challenges, me and gets me thinking. Rubbing shoulders with you decades back changed my life course for which I will always remember. Even now miles away your blog efforts inspire me. THANKS!


    1. Kev, thanks for the encouragement. Hard to believe it’s been 25 years since we were roommates… where have the years gone 🙂 So glad the blog is spurring you on to live and love #likeJesus! Blessings friend


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